Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has for some time been the show most connected to the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe. Due to its ties to both the MCU and Marvel comics themselves, there’s been plenty of opportunities to add interesting supporting characters.

Sometimes these characters are not given enough time to be fully developed however. They can be rushed in their arcs, killed off suddenly or, can disappear altogether without any explanation. Here’s 10 characters we think deserve more screen time on the show.


The family known as the Koenigs are a series of brothers (and one sister) who all look identical. There was speculation that these quadruplets could actually have been clones, due to the fact that their personalities were remarkably similar too.

While there have been tragic deaths in the family, including Eric who was killed mercilessly by Grant Ward, these long time agents are not only inspired by the comics and played by the wonderful Patton Oswald, but are also a great addition to the team.


Jeffrey Mace became the stand in for the head of the spy organization when it was deemed that S.H.I.E.L.D. had an image problem. Although it was initially suspected that he would have been a villain, he turned out to be a remarkable hero, albeit with stolen powers.

The charismatic Mace suited up as the Patriot and became a leader in more than just name. It was tragic when he lost his life and we wish there was a way that he could return in the future, to give this newer version of the organization a face of hope.


Victoria Hand was a loyal Agent to the government and indeed even opposed Hydra when it rose from the cracks of S.H.I.E.L.D. This marked her death, at the hands of Ward once again, but we think there could have been more at play here.

As the right hand woman to villain Norman Osborn in the comics, it wouldn’t have been surprising if her death was faked to make a comeback as one of the best villains of the show. The character had so much more manipulation to give.


The team first met Flint when they were thrust into the future, on their mission to stop the Earth from getting destroyed. There was a brief theory that perhaps he would be responsible for this terrible moment in history, but he turns out to be Earth’s savior.

He returns once again to stop an alien race from invading the Earth and fades away, but we think this young character could be a brilliant permanent member of the team. He’s quick witted, intelligent, has a great power set, and brings something fresh to the crew.


One of the first characters introduced in the whole history of the show was Deathlok, before his cyborg enhancements had been fitted. The character has been a fascinating one to follow and he re-emerges every now and then to aid the team.

There’s a personal connection there that the agents don’t have with many of their other former partners. Deathlok is a tortured soul but one that is seeking justice in a world that wronged him. It’s only just that he has more screen time to explore this further.


Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse came as a pair to the show, although we always felt like Bobbi overshadowed Hunter, perhaps because of her comic book alter ego, Mockingbird. However, Hunter has made a solo appearance since this where he has really shone.

It’s a shame the character had to leave the show because he added a grit and different sense of humor that none of the other characters could pull off. We can’t help but think the Deke role is kind of trying to replace Hunter, when really the original should be given more time on TV.


While the show was full of plenty of Inhumans, powered individuals, and comic book heroes, there was one anti-hero with a set of gifts that we couldn’t leave off this list. Carl ‘The Crusher’ Creel, also known as the Absorbing Man, was terribly underrated as a character.

He could have been an even bigger threat to the team and brought into other MCU projects like the villain he is, but instead he was under the command of Talbot before getting killed off and removed from the show. Such a complex character deserved more.


Agent 33 is also from the comics, although she has a far more villainous turn in this series. The lover of Grant Ward and wearer of face changing technology, the brainwashed 33 was loyal to Hydra and to her obsessive love.

She literally would have died for Ward and unfortunately did when she was shot by accident. With rumors she could have been Madame Masque instead, this memorable character wasn’t given he due and was removed before anything interesting could happen.


The final two characters on this list come as a pairing but we couldn’t help but feel that neither of them were given the chance to excel on screen. Piper is an excellent pilot and has been a background character in the series for some time.

She’s clearly competent and has recently been given the opportunity to almost become a main character, but it took a bit too long to get there. Shes’s experienced and resourceful, but possesses a hard edge that the others don’t.


Davis is less lucky than Piper. While he became more relevant around the same time, he has been killed off in the previous season. It appears these two characters were built up further in order for this death to pack a little more punch and have a further impact.

However, Davis should have had a lot more screen time for us to really care in the end when he fell from a great height. His humor and wit certainly helped him to become relatable but it would have been nice to get to know Davis over a longer period of time.