The death of iTunes has been looming for quite a while now, and over the last several weeks, Apple itself has started the process of killing the iTunes brand. This week, two new pieces of evidence have emerged that further support the end of the iTunes brand at WWDC 2019.

First, Apple has completely wiped content from its iTunes social pages on Instagram and Facebook. This change was first noted by users on Reddit. If you head to the iTunes page on Facebook, you’ll see that all of the content has disappeared. MacRumors notes that it appears Apple has migrated the iTunes Facebook account to its Apple TV page, transferring content as well as likes and followers.

Meanwhile, the iTunes account on Instagram has also been completely wiped, with the account’s bio instructing users to following the @AppleTV account instead. The iTunes account on Twitter is still alive for now.

Additionally, developer Craig Hockenberry noted on Twitter this weekend that at some point over the last several weeks, Apple has moved away from URLs for Apple Music. Instead, the company has started using for certain artists and pages.