AirPods are set up to have an amazing holiday quarter and a new research note predicts that they will soon overtake the $4 billion quarterly revenue that Apple saw at the peak of iPod in 2007.

Asymco published a research note today looking into the potential quarterly revenue from Apple’s Wearables, Home, and Other category. While last year was when Apple Watch surpassed $4B in revenue for a quarter back in Q4 2018, now it looks like it may be AirPods‘ turn.

Asymco notes that it’s tricky to tell exactly what the revenue of any individual product in the Wearables and Home category is since Apple doesn’t break out the numbers. But by estimating Watch revenue and subtracting it from the total category figure, you can arrive at an estimate for AirPods.

Based on those numbers, AirPods could overtake the peak iPod revenue of $4 billion next quarter. Asymco also believes Apple will see over 50% growth year over year for Wearables.

Last month Bloomberg reported that Apple was doubling its AirPods Pro production and we previously detailed why AirPods are positioned to dominate the holidays more than ever before.