If you’ve ever returned from an overseas trip with leftover currency that’s too small a sum to usefully change back into dollars, TravelersBox has an alternative. The airport kiosks currently found in seven countries allow you to turn excess currency into iTunes credits, Starbucks vouchers or transfer it to your PayPal account.

The automated kiosks accept both notes and coins. If you don’t want the credit yourself, you can also donate it to charity.

As you’d expect, the service isn’t free, attracting a hefty 7% commission on all transactions, but for smaller amounts that just end up stashed in a drawer somewhere, converting it to iTunes credits at least allows you to get something back.

CNET reports that the kiosks can currently be found at airports in Turkey, Canada, Georgia, Italy, Israel, Japan and the Philippines – with Hong Kong, Australia, India, Indonesia and Malaysia set to follow soon.

That iTunes credit may end up being even more useful if a reported Apple plan pays off: the company is said to be in talks with studios to allow movie rental shortly after they hit theaters.