Yet again, Digitimes is quoting supply chain sources that expect the Apple AirPower mat to launch in late March. Seeing as today is March 22nd, there aren’t too many days left for that particular deadline …

However, this is by no means the first time Digitimes has made a claim about the AirPower release schedule. We can’t really take them seriously anymore for knowing about the AirPower launch.

In the January just gone, it cited the GPP bridge rectifier suppliers indicating a launch later in 2019. This time last year, it also cited the same suppliers were targeting a supply ramp in the March/April 2018 time frame, which obviously did not happen.

As AirPods with wireless charging case are now available, it seems logical that the AirPower mat will be soon to follow.

The Wall Street Journal said that Apple executives approved production of the device earlier this year. Yesterday, it appears Apple finalized trademark rights for the AirPower name, as noticed by MacRumors.

The updated AirPods page is certainly prepped to feature AirPower when the product is official. We already found an updated image of the mat charging AirPods and iPhone XS simultaneously.

Apple updated AirPods on Wednesday, iMacs on Tuesday and launched new iPad mini and iPad Air on Monday. Breaking its new hardware streak, there was nothing for Thursday.

Maybe Apple will have a Friday surprise for us with the AirPower launch after all, or will it be a ‘one more thing’ for Monday’s event?