AMC Theaters will be having an Avengers: Endgame marathon to a certain extent, with a record amount of non-stop showings announced. Over the last 11 years, Marvel Studios has been building the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it’s really only been since 2012 and the first tease of Thanos that this has been the endgame. Once he made his proper introduction in Avengers: Infinity War last year though, fans around the world realized very quickly the stakes he brought with him.

From the second that he snapped his fingers and wiped out half of all life across the universe, there’s been an incredible amount of interest to see what will happen in Avengers: Endgame. Throughout the expensive marketing campaign, Marvel has been hesitant to reveal too many details, and the overall secrecy is doing just as good of a job increasing interest as a usual roll out of footage would do. This has all been done to keep all reveals for the theatrical experience, and has resulted in ticket pre-sales for Avengers: Endgame surpassing anything that has come before.

The interest has been so high that theater chains couldn’t even handle the traffic online, and saw many of their websites crash the day tickets went on sale. Now just a few days before Avengers: Endgame hit theaters officially, AMC is doing their part to try and meet the unprecedented demand. THR shared that 29 AMC locations in the United States will be open around the clock from Thursday to Friday, while another 18 are scheduled to be open from Thursday to Saturday or Friday to Sunday, and an additional 17 will be open non-stop from Thursday to Sunday. The result of these moves will see those participating AMC locations include late night/very early morning showtimes for Avengers: Endgame.

If the interest that theaters are seeing in Avengers: Endgame wasn’t clear already, this just goes to show how busy of a weekend it’ll be at cineplexes around the world. This is great news for fans who want to see the film at basically any point this weekend, but also gives the film another potential bump at the box office. The financial expectations have been high from the very beginning, but the three-hour runtime has been used as a point against Avengers: Endgame’s box office due to it limiting the amount of showings that can traditionally be done in a single day at a given theater. But, with AMC adding on even more showtimes, this will become a smaller concern.

Official box office projections for Avengers: Endgame’s worldwide opening weekend have been around $900 million, which would be a new record. There’s also been an expectation that the film will break Avengers: Infinity War’s domestic opening weekend launch, while some projections have even called for a possible $300 million opening domestically. These additional showtimes could help it get there, as can the reactions and reviews that will arrive in the days beforehand, if they’re positive. We’re in the endgame now, so it’ll be fascinating to see if other theater chains follow in AMC’s footsteps and increase their own hours and showtimes to capitalize on the Avengers: Endgame buzz.

MORE: Why Avengers: Endgame’s Review Embargo Is Lifting So Late

Source: THR

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