Animated sitcom American Dad! is renewed for seasons 18 and 19, with the comedy’s 300th episode set to air this year. Premiering in 2005, from the trio of Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman, American Dad! is centered around the Smith family. Fairly affluent and eccentric, the Smiths live in the fictional town of Langley Falls, Virginia. Stan, the family’s breadwinner, is a CIA agent who has trouble separating the drastic demands of his job from his life at home. Stan’s wife, Francine, doesn’t seem to mind. But his left-wing daughter, Hayley, isn’t so easily swayed. Stan’s son, Steve, doesn’t quite take after his dad either. He prefers to spend his time playing video games, for one. The otherwise typically dysfunctional household is rounded out by Roger and Klaus, a space alien and a goldfish respectively, both of whom can talk.

With a voice cast that features MacFarlane, Wendy Schaal, and Patrick Stewart (as Stan’s boss), among others, American Dad! is known for a style of humor that differs from Family Guy and The Cleveland Show. Rather than rely on the cutaway gags, which MacFarlane’s other shows are known for, American Dad! gets its laughs largely from its quirky set of characters and the relationships that form between them. It is an approach that has proved successful, with the sitcom remaining on the airwaves for well over a decade. In addition to that relatively rare distinction, American Dad! is about to reach another milestone.

As announced by WarnerMedia, in a press release, American Dad! has been renewed for seasons 18 and 19. This year as well, the Smith clan will star in their 300th episode. Reacting to the news, co-creator and co-showrunner Weitzman joked that even though his show might lack for quality, it certainly won’t be lacking in the quantity department. American Dad! will be joining a roster of programs which includes includes of The Simpsons, Law & Order: SVU, Grey’s Anatomy, and Supernatural.

To back up its longevity, American Dad! is still a strong performer in the ratings. The series currently ranks as a top 5 cable comedy, garnering 18 million viewers in its current season across all TBS platforms. These numbers are particularly impressive, considering the show’s history.

American Dad! has survived the exit of one of its co-creators, Barker, as well as moving networks from Fox to TBS. Among critics, the comedy’s reputation evolved considerably. Initially, American Dad! was dismissed as an imitation of Family Guy. It has since moved past that rough beginning, praised for its characterization and exceptional jokes. At a time when networks and streaming services alike can be blamed for giving up on their content too soon, the upcoming American Dad! milestone serves as proof of the benefits associated with allowing a series the time to grow.

More: 25 Twisted American Dad Facts That Will Surprise Longtime Fans

Source: WarnerMedia