Hayley Smith is the daughter that no one aspires to be. Not only does she see life as a joke, she consistently makes bad decisions. If you are a fan of the show, then you know that Hayley is a straight-up disappointment to her parents, especially Stan.

When she isn’t laying around, she’s getting wrapped up into causes that no one would ever think to care about. Her idea of a good time is starting a fight with her family members and playing the victim. Everything Hayley has done up to this point in her life has been self-serving and problematic. We knew there was a reason why she is so disliked by many.

10. Stole Her Parents’ Money

In the episode, 100 A.D., Hayley elopes with Jeff after a long breakup. The couple realizes they have no money to start their life, that is probably the only logical thought Hayley has ever had. In the meantime, Stan and Francine are desperate to get their daughter back so they put a kidnapping bounty of $50,000 on her and basically tell everyone they could care less what happens to Jeff.

The newlyweds decide that they will scam Stan and Francine out of the money by having Jeff pretend to leave Hayley for the $50,000. They get the money but blow it all trying to avoid a persistent Roger. They eventually move back home like we knew they would.

9. Pretended To Care About Activism

Hayley has always been an activist. She likes to stand up for the underdog and always fights for what’s right. Or does she? Hayley likes the idea of being this important activist but what has she campaigned against that she actually followed through with? Not garbage island and certainly not sea creatures.

Hayley went undercover as a blond to get more people to pay attention to her so they would then listen to her when she talks about her activism. Instead, she got caught up with partying and being the center of attention. She didn’t save any animals and she certainly didn’t bring awareness to any of her past endeavors, like garbage island.

8. Flunked Her Last Class On Purpose

In the episode Pride Before The Fail, Hayley realizes that Groff Community College is a 2-year college. This meant she was on-track to graduate ad progress with life. Only, progressing with life is not Hayley’s expertise. She then goes on to do everything in her power to not pass her last class.

She even enlisted the help of Roger, who she quickly found out was not trying to help her at all but set up a trap to force her to graduate so he could have her bedroom. But in true Hayley style, she figured out a way to underachieve as usual.

7. Went Nuts When Jeff Broke Up With Her

Hayley does not take breakups well. She has been with Jeff for so long and, hopefully now that they are married, she will never have to go nuts again. But before she was married, every time a guy would break up with her, she’d lose her mind.

This exact scenario breaks out in the episode Pulling Double Booty, Hayley freaks out after Jeff breaks up with her. She tries to burn down a few places around town. She also screams and attacks Stan and Francine. The situation is a complete mess. The episode mentions a few other times, dating all the way back to middle school, when she had similar flip outs.

6. Dated Stan’s Body Double

Also in the episode Pulling Double Booty, Hayley finally calms down enough to meet a new guy. She is completely enamored but honestly, it’s creepy. The new guy is Stan’s C.I.A. body double, a southern gent named Bill. He walks, talks, and looks exactly like Stan.

Hayley jumps into a full-blown relationship and even goes away on a vacation with him. The situation gets way more intense but watching Hayley express her sexual desires and making out with a man who looks exactly like her dad is vomit-inducing. Francine literally throws up every time she sees them together.

5. Tried To Blow Up The Mall

In the episode Finances With Wolves, Hayley hooks ups with an environmental group and unknowingly agrees to help blow up the local Langley mall. The mall plans an expansion that most people are excited about, including Francine and Roger.

Hayley sees this expansion as a way to completely ruin Langley Falls and the surrounding environment. While Hayley had her own plan to sabotage the mall expansion (she stole a bunch of their building materials) she ultimately realized that their plan is way too extreme for her.

4. She Keeps Shooting Stan

On three separate occasions, Hayley has shot her father. Once is horrible enough but three times? That’s insane. There has to be some kind of blame taken at some point. The shootings take place in episodes; Stannie Get Your Gun, Haylias, and Season’s Beatings.

Hayley has always been adamantly against guns, so the fact that she has fired one even once is kind of insane and ridiculously hypocritical. This is typical of Hayley’s behavior and we would expect nothing less at this point.

3. Contracted An STD

We don’t know where or when but Hayley reveals in the episode Jenny Fromdabloc that she has contracted herpes. In fact, she or someone else has mentioned this a couple of times throughout the series. We can assume that she either contracted it from Jeff or gave it to him and he just lives with it.

Steve tries to prevent Snot from hooking up with (or even having a crush on) Hayley. He tells him, “I’m pretty sure she has the herps!” then you hear Jeff confirm it from another room saying, “Yeah she does! Woo!”.

2. Scammed People Out Of Money

Along with the entire family in the episode Stompe Le Monde, Stan buys the rights to Stomp, a once hit broadway production. He takes the show on the road with the family. They soon find out they were so busy promoting the show that they forgot to rehearse and had no actual show to present.

They still got paid and eventually turned it into a scam going around the US selling tickets and taking off. This is not a normal thing for Hayley to do. Going along with a scam and profiting off of it. Then again, we all know how easily persuaded she can be. Especially by Stan.

1. Hooked Up With Stan’s Boss

Deputy Director Bullock was one of Hayley’s boyfriends for a short time. Hayley still lives at home so there was no way she would be able to hide this from her dad. So instead, she parades her inappropriate relationship around the house and eventually ticks off Stan to a whole other level.

Fortunately, for her, Stan is up for a promotion and has to keep his mouth shut. First of all, this was a new low for Hayley and we can’t fully blame her. Bullock should have also known better. However, why couldn’t they hook up at Bullock’s house to have a better chance at keeping it a secret, the entire situation was revolting.

Next: Family Guy vs American Dad!: Which Show Is Funnier?